I don’t know why we like to make certain numbers or years monumental but it seems like everyone has a sort of expectation when it comes to 2020. I think I do too. As I realized that we are almost in the last quarter of 2019, I reflected on some of the habits that I’ve picked up and to be honest, not all of those habits are good. So, here it is, the 10 bad habits I am trying to get rid of before 2020.

1. Touching my face. Bacteria, germs, acne, no no no! I am working on this by wearing light makeup, so if I touch my face, I am going to have foundation on my fingers. When I am not trying to wear makeup, I am tallying down the amount of times I touch my face. I also am trying to clear up my skin because I noticed that I tend to touch my face when my skin isn’t clear. I am working on drinking my water and eating healthy. Plus a good serum with AHA’s/BHA’s is always good and of course SUN SCREEN!
2. Eating. I had to link all my eating ones together cause I realized that that was half this list! Haha so here they are. Eating in my bedroom. Eating before bed. Eating too much sugar (esp when it’s that time) someone help! Aren’t there foods that help you kick your sugar craving to the curb? How do you quit a sugar craving? Finally, to quit buying terrible foods. No Vanessa, you don’t need ice cream. You need to cook dinner.
3. Wasting time. We can all be more efficient with our time. For me that’s not going on social media as much. I was spending over 4 hrs a day on social media! WHAT! I know it’s part of my job, but honestly, it needs to be cut in half! If you have an iPhone, you can actually go to Settings>Screen Time and set a timer for how long you’re allowed to be on social media or any other apps category on your phone! These are nice because they are little wake up calls that you receive. It also makes you not want to go on those apps as much unless you know you’re making good use of your time while on the app.
4. Hanging out with negative people or toxic people. Will Smith said something about how “the 10 closest people to him are better than him.” I want to surround myself with people who are better than me. People who bring out the best in me and can help me through this life journey. The way I am removing negative people from my life is by saying no to situations that I do not want to be a part of. How do you remove negative people from your life?
5. Not flossing every day. Vanessa your teeth and gums say a lot about your health! Get it TOGETHER!
6. Watching TV before bed. Have you ever noticed that when you watch TV or use your phone before bed, you wake up not feeling fully rested? Yes this ties into bad habit 7. The blue light from our phones and screens actually gets us off of our circadian rhythm making us think that morning is still night and night is day etc. Reading before bed is much better. You’re able to dream and get a legitimate DEEP sleep. I used to be really good at this and only watch TV on Friday’s. I am telling myself that Friday’s are my FRIENDS and Ice Cream nights. It makes those times of watching TV more special. Plus, it’s free’d up time for me to do something more productive!

7. Not wearing my blue light eliminating glasses. I am sure many of us look at a screen for a huge chunk of the day. It is important to block out the blue light because the blue light over time can take you off of your circadian rhythm. I have more on that in this Instagram post here. I get mine from Aspire Eyewear.

8. Not responding to emails/tasks in a timely manner. I know, you probably get hundreds of emails a day and it’s overwhelming. But, it makes everyone’s life easier (especially YOURS) when you respond and do tasks as soon as you receive them. Within 24 hrs is a good time. You may not be able to cut down every email by the end of the day but the fact that you have MADE PROGRESS, is something to be proud of. My friend Neelab is really good at this and I am constantly learning how to be more on top of it like her! As soon as you are on your emails, go through them one at a time and fully respond to one before moving on to the next.
9. Lack of prayer during the hard times. My first mode when bad things happen is to panic, cry, then ask my friends. It needs to be pray, rest, meditate and change the way I think about a certain situation. This takes a lot of practice but I am actually reading Levi Lusko’s book “I Declare War” on changing the way you think. There is more power to us when we are able to control our thoughts.
10. Not tidying up after a crazy day. I started tidying and straightening up my room before going to bed. I’ve noticed that I wake up excited and ready to start the day because my place is already clean. It also makes me more productive because I do not have the excuse of “I need to clean my apartment before I do this or that.” Do this no matter how tired you are. It makes your bedtime a reward. If you try this, let me know what you think!
Those are my 10 bad habits that I am trying to leave in this year of 2019. I’ve got about 4 months to get rid of these. Comment below the bad habits you’re trying to ditch before 2020!
Dress by Rooey Knots, Tennis Shoes, Earrings, Lipstick- Candy Venom, Rings by Alexandra Beth
Photography Mixture of Vanessaland Photo and Shot by Her